The purpose of the local steering committee is to encourage continuous individual professional growth: to assure that mentor support and assistance is available to all levels of experience and expertise; and to facilitate certification recommendations for all professional teaching staff.
Composition of Support System:
The Support System consists of the Certification Steering Committee Chair (Appendix A), Certification Steering Committee Members (Appendix B) and Mentors (Appendix C). The membership of the Steering Committee will consist of a teacher representative from each building with at least three years of professional experience, 1 elected chairperson from and by the committee and 1 district administrator. Members of the PLCSS will apply annually to the Superintendent and be approved by the Board of Directors. Membership on the committee will be for a three-year term; the staff in each building will elect or reelect a new representative.
The Certification Steering Committee will meet at least 6 times each year. The Committee Chair prior to each meeting will outline the purpose of each meeting in an agenda. The Chair will keep minutes of each meeting.
Teachers wishing to become mentors should speak with their building representative for certification. If a mentor match is made, the mentor needs to write a letter of interest to MSAD #15 Superintendent applying for the position. (Sample letter appendix F) The letter should be attached to a co-curricular nomination form (appendix F), signed by the building certification representative and forwarded to the Director of Curriculum and Staff Development for approval..
Mentors will be full time professionally certified teachers with at least three years of experience and satisfactory completion of a Maine Department of Education approved Mentor Training Program.
In accordance with Chapter 118 there may be times when MSAD #15 will utilize the expertise of recently active practitioners as mentors. MSAD #15 will periodically offer the State of Maine approved Mentor training program to interested individuals. The Director of Curriculum and Staff Development will evaluate mentors annually. Written feedback from the mentees will help inform the evaluation.
The PLCSS Chair will set the date for the first meeting of the new year no later than the last meeting of the committee each spring and prior to summer break.
Decision Making: All members of the committee will share equal voice in decision-making. In the event the committee cannot reach a decision through consensus, the Chair in consultation with Admin representative will make a final ruling.
Responsibilities of the Steering Committee:
• Assign Mentors to certification candidates as needed.
• Provide certification candidates with guidance for plan completion.
• Identify resources and training necessary to achieve the required certification.
• Conduct new educator induction.
• Inform professional staff of their certification responsibilities
• Review and approve Teacher Action Plans before and after implementation.
• Review and approve Professional Renewal Plans before and after implementation.
• Coordinate the delivery of services and resources to mentors and certification candidates.
• Review and approve the professional educator seeking initial master teacher certification, or master teacher renewal.
• Assist in the coordination and delivery of training opportunities for mentors.
• Maintain accurate minutes and records of meetings and decisions.
• Provide MDOE with recommendations for educational personnel seeking professional certification.
• Keep teacher certification paperwork confidential
Responsibility of Certification Mentors:
• Meet at a minimum of twice monthly with the beginning teacher with a predetermined agenda, more frequently if needed.
• Familiarize beginning teacher with both school and MSAD #15 processes and procedures.
• Provide emotional support.
• Problem solve with the beginning teacher.
• Arrange times for the beginning teacher to visit other classrooms at least two times per year
• Document meetings and agendas
• Perform formal observations and written feedback at least three times annually
• Guide the new teacher through the Teacher Action Plan and certification process based on Maine’s Initial 10 Standards for Teacher Certification.
• Submit requested documentation
• Attend pertinent meetings
Responsibility of the Beginning Teacher:
• Express needs to mentor
• Meet weekly with mentor with predetermined agenda
• Read email daily
• Develop knowledge of Maine’s Initial Teacher Certification Standards
• Begin to compile evidence of Maine’s Initial Teacher Certification Standards (with assistance from Mentor)
• Write Teacher Action Plan based on Maine’s Initial Teacher Certification Standards (with assistance from Mentor)
• Participate in formal observations by Mentor at least three times annually.
• Visit other classrooms at least twice annually.