Thursday, September 3, 2009

2. Procedure for Approving Proposed Action Plans

All candidates for initial or renewed Professional Certificates must receive PLCSS approval for their proposed Professional Renewal Plan (see Forms Section).

1. The initial Professional Renewal Plan is due by June 1st of the year prior to certification expiration.

2. The initial Professional Renewal Plan must outline in detail how the candidate plans to meet the 6 graduate credits, 9 CEUs or 90-hour professional development minimum for certification.

Please Note: Courses may be used once and cannot be repeated to earn additional credit. CPR may be used once even though it may be required annually for employment. The purpose of this process is for professional growth and all candidates are expected to challenge themselves professionally. All coursework/credits must be related to the certificate being renewed and be at least 200 level.

3. The PLCSS will approve or disapprove The Initial Professional Renewal Plan, sign and return to the teacher within one month of submission. The PLCSS may approve plans with conditions or ask the candidate for more detail when needed.

The Final Review Process of the Professional Renewal Plan may be submitted upon completion, but must be submitted no later than March 1st of the expiration year of certificate to the Certification Building Representative. The Professional Renewal Plan (PRP) must accompany the final submission for approval. The PRP must include:

A complete listing with proper documentation of all activities completed.

Incomplete documentation will result in the PLCSS returning the paperwork and could result in a lapse in certification until the proper documentation has been submitted. Please note: The PLCSS does not meet during the summer months and signatures needed for MDOE will be on hold until the start of the new school year.

Teacher certification is the professional responsibility of each individual teacher. Following the procedures and timelines herein will streamline the process for recertification for each candidate. Disregard of the timelines and procedures may result in a teacher recertifying through the Maine Department of Education and being put on a Conditional Certificate.

Please note: Graduate credit, CEU’s and contact hours must be earned within the 5 year period of the certificate being renewed.

Earning Professional Hours:
• College/University credit is recognized with a copy of the college/university transcript as part of the professional renewal plan.
• CEUs are recognized with a copy of a certificate or transcript as part of the professional renewal packet.
• Contact Hours are recognized with a copy of the workshop, seminar or conference attendance sheets. Hours must be clearly outlined along with the dates of the event.

Appeals Process:
The candidate may appeal the initial decision or recommendation of the PLCSS. The candidate will:

Present the request in writing to the Chairperson of the PLCSS outlining why they wish to appeal the decision and include any pertinent information/documentation.

The Chair will call a meeting of the PLCSS or schedule the appeal at the next regular meeting of the PLCSS. Prior to the meeting the Chair will verify the content of the candidates certification file and verify documentation.

The candidate will attend the meeting and present the appeal.

The PLCSS Chair will act as facilitator of this meeting.

After hearing the appeal, the PLCSS will discuss the facts and render a decision. The Chair will put the decision in writing to the candidate and the Superintendent. If the candidate is not satisfied with the decision he/she may appeal to the Commissioner of Education.