Thursday, September 3, 2009

I. Role of Professional Learning Community Support Systems (PLCSS)

The purpose of the local steering committee is to encourage continuous individual professional growth: to assure that mentor support and assistance is available to all levels of experience and expertise; and to facilitate certification recommendations for all professional teaching staff.

Composition of Support System:
The Support System consists of the Certification Steering Committee Chair (Appendix A), Certification Steering Committee Members (Appendix B) and Mentors (Appendix C). The membership of the Steering Committee will consist of a teacher representative from each building with at least three years of professional experience, 1 elected chairperson from and by the committee and 1 district administrator. Members of the PLCSS will apply annually to the Superintendent and be approved by the Board of Directors. Membership on the committee will be for a three-year term; the staff in each building will elect or reelect a new representative.

The Certification Steering Committee will meet at least 6 times each year. The Committee Chair prior to each meeting will outline the purpose of each meeting in an agenda. The Chair will keep minutes of each meeting.

Teachers wishing to become mentors should speak with their building representative for certification. If a mentor match is made, the mentor needs to write a letter of interest to MSAD #15 Superintendent applying for the position. (Sample letter appendix F) The letter should be attached to a co-curricular nomination form (appendix F), signed by the building certification representative and forwarded to the Director of Curriculum and Staff Development for approval..

Mentors will be full time professionally certified teachers with at least three years of experience and satisfactory completion of a Maine Department of Education approved Mentor Training Program.

In accordance with Chapter 118 there may be times when MSAD #15 will utilize the expertise of recently active practitioners as mentors. MSAD #15 will periodically offer the State of Maine approved Mentor training program to interested individuals. The Director of Curriculum and Staff Development will evaluate mentors annually. Written feedback from the mentees will help inform the evaluation.

The PLCSS Chair will set the date for the first meeting of the new year no later than the last meeting of the committee each spring and prior to summer break.

Decision Making: All members of the committee will share equal voice in decision-making. In the event the committee cannot reach a decision through consensus, the Chair in consultation with Admin representative will make a final ruling.

Responsibilities of the Steering Committee:
• Assign Mentors to certification candidates as needed.
• Provide certification candidates with guidance for plan completion.
• Identify resources and training necessary to achieve the required certification.
• Conduct new educator induction.
• Inform professional staff of their certification responsibilities
• Review and approve Teacher Action Plans before and after implementation.
• Review and approve Professional Renewal Plans before and after implementation.
• Coordinate the delivery of services and resources to mentors and certification candidates.
• Review and approve the professional educator seeking initial master teacher certification, or master teacher renewal.
• Assist in the coordination and delivery of training opportunities for mentors.
• Maintain accurate minutes and records of meetings and decisions.
• Provide MDOE with recommendations for educational personnel seeking professional certification.
• Keep teacher certification paperwork confidential

Responsibility of Certification Mentors:
• Meet at a minimum of twice monthly with the beginning teacher with a predetermined agenda, more frequently if needed.
• Familiarize beginning teacher with both school and MSAD #15 processes and procedures.
• Provide emotional support.
• Problem solve with the beginning teacher.
• Arrange times for the beginning teacher to visit other classrooms at least two times per year
• Document meetings and agendas
• Perform formal observations and written feedback at least three times annually
• Guide the new teacher through the Teacher Action Plan and certification process based on Maine’s Initial 10 Standards for Teacher Certification.
• Submit requested documentation
• Attend pertinent meetings
Responsibility of the Beginning Teacher:
• Express needs to mentor
• Meet weekly with mentor with predetermined agenda
• Read email daily
• Develop knowledge of Maine’s Initial Teacher Certification Standards
• Begin to compile evidence of Maine’s Initial Teacher Certification Standards (with assistance from Mentor)
• Write Teacher Action Plan based on Maine’s Initial Teacher Certification Standards (with assistance from Mentor)
• Participate in formal observations by Mentor at least three times annually.
• Visit other classrooms at least twice annually.

2. Procedure for Approving Proposed Action Plans

All candidates for initial or renewed Professional Certificates must receive PLCSS approval for their proposed Professional Renewal Plan (see Forms Section).

1. The initial Professional Renewal Plan is due by June 1st of the year prior to certification expiration.

2. The initial Professional Renewal Plan must outline in detail how the candidate plans to meet the 6 graduate credits, 9 CEUs or 90-hour professional development minimum for certification.

Please Note: Courses may be used once and cannot be repeated to earn additional credit. CPR may be used once even though it may be required annually for employment. The purpose of this process is for professional growth and all candidates are expected to challenge themselves professionally. All coursework/credits must be related to the certificate being renewed and be at least 200 level.

3. The PLCSS will approve or disapprove The Initial Professional Renewal Plan, sign and return to the teacher within one month of submission. The PLCSS may approve plans with conditions or ask the candidate for more detail when needed.

The Final Review Process of the Professional Renewal Plan may be submitted upon completion, but must be submitted no later than March 1st of the expiration year of certificate to the Certification Building Representative. The Professional Renewal Plan (PRP) must accompany the final submission for approval. The PRP must include:

A complete listing with proper documentation of all activities completed.

Incomplete documentation will result in the PLCSS returning the paperwork and could result in a lapse in certification until the proper documentation has been submitted. Please note: The PLCSS does not meet during the summer months and signatures needed for MDOE will be on hold until the start of the new school year.

Teacher certification is the professional responsibility of each individual teacher. Following the procedures and timelines herein will streamline the process for recertification for each candidate. Disregard of the timelines and procedures may result in a teacher recertifying through the Maine Department of Education and being put on a Conditional Certificate.

Please note: Graduate credit, CEU’s and contact hours must be earned within the 5 year period of the certificate being renewed.

Earning Professional Hours:
• College/University credit is recognized with a copy of the college/university transcript as part of the professional renewal plan.
• CEUs are recognized with a copy of a certificate or transcript as part of the professional renewal packet.
• Contact Hours are recognized with a copy of the workshop, seminar or conference attendance sheets. Hours must be clearly outlined along with the dates of the event.

Appeals Process:
The candidate may appeal the initial decision or recommendation of the PLCSS. The candidate will:

Present the request in writing to the Chairperson of the PLCSS outlining why they wish to appeal the decision and include any pertinent information/documentation.

The Chair will call a meeting of the PLCSS or schedule the appeal at the next regular meeting of the PLCSS. Prior to the meeting the Chair will verify the content of the candidates certification file and verify documentation.

The candidate will attend the meeting and present the appeal.

The PLCSS Chair will act as facilitator of this meeting.

After hearing the appeal, the PLCSS will discuss the facts and render a decision. The Chair will put the decision in writing to the candidate and the Superintendent. If the candidate is not satisfied with the decision he/she may appeal to the Commissioner of Education.

3. Certification Plans

Each year as part of the New Teacher Orientation Day, the Chair of the PLCSS will provide an overview of the PLCSS process and teacher responsibilities. The Chair will outline each of the following certificate types (provisional, conditional and targeted need) and requirements, roles and responsibilities. Additionally, the Chair will provide written resources and the names of PLCSS committee for each building. As part of the initial meeting each year, the Chair will confirm that each building representative has provided an orientation at their individual buildings for experienced staff for all certification types.

1. Initial Professional Teacher Certificate
Holders of conditional, targeted need, and provisional certificates: Using Maine’s Initial Teacher Certification Standards as a basis for self-evaluation, each candidate will identify his/her strengths and weaknesses and establish goals using the MSAD #15 Teacher Action Plan form. Each candidate for initial teacher certification will be assigned a mentor. Mentor assignments will be based on recommendations from the PLCSS, administration and the candidates themselves. The PLCSS will use all available data to make the best match. Mentees will meet with their assigned mentor to establish appropriate goals, activities and timelines. The assigned mentor will formally observe the new teacher at a minimum of three times annually over a two year period (6 total) for conditional, targeted need and provisional certification holders, and at a minimum of six observations for candidates of initial master certificate and renewal of master certificate and provide oral and written feedback to the candidate.

Additionally, mentors will formally meet at a minimum of twice per month with mentees to provide them the support needed to meet their goals. While we have outlined the minimums for the established mentor-mentee relationships, many pairs will meet on a much more frequent basis, especially in year one when the new teacher is getting to know the building, the district, curriculum etc. as well as establishing classroom academic and behavioral expectations.

The final recommendation of the steering committee regarding the candidate’s eligibility for certification shall be submitted to the Commissioner in the format required by the Commissioner (Form EF-C-300-R: Maine Department of Education, Application for Certification Renewal. The recommendation for the candidate will be one of the following:

• Recommendation that the professional certificate be issued if the candidate has satisfied the requirements for the certificate.
• Recommendation that the professional certificate be issued if the candidate has satisfied the requirements to be fast-tracked (See Chapter 115, Part 1, Section 2.22).
• Recommendation that the professional certificate be denied if the Professional Learning Community Support System determines that the candidate does not demonstrate eligibility for a professional certificate.
• Recommend that the provisional certification be extended if the Professional Learning Community Support System determines that the candidate needs additional time under a provisional certificate. This recommendation can be made if the candidate has only been employed in a Maine School unit for one school year under the provisional certificate, and/or fails to meet other criteria stated in the Professional Learning Community Support System Plan.

The Commissioner shall have access at any time to the Professional Certification Action Plan and to any and all mentor documents and reports pertaining to the candidate. Each certificate type has specific requirements:

2. Provisional:
Provisionally Certified Teachers are assigned a Mentor for 2 years. Provisionally certified teachers develop an Action Plan with goals and timelines. Professional Certification is achieved after the two-year provisional period and all paperwork and requirements being met by the teacher. A copy of your certification must be given to the Certification Steering Committee and a second copy to Central Office.

3. Conditional:
Conditional Certificates are awarded for 1 year. Conditional certificates may be renewed for 2 additional one-year periods.

Conditionally certified teachers must request a signed affidavit from the Superintendent EVERY year that they are employed as a conditional Teacher. Securing the affidavit and sending it to MDOE is the professional responsibility of the Teacher and must be done prior to the first day of school. Conditionally certified Teachers must meet all testing requirements assigned by Maine Department of Education. Conditionally certified teachers are assigned a mentor for their conditional period not to exceed two years. During this time the Conditionally certified teacher is required to create a Teacher Action Plan.

After all conditions for certification are met, the conditionally certified teacher will apply for a professional certificate through the Maine Department of Education. A copy of the credential Evaluation Letter from MDOE must be provided to the Certification Steering Committee and a second copy to Central Office.

4. Targeted Need
Targeted Need certificate is for teachers who are not eligible for a conditional endorsement; and for those teachers seeking employment in a teaching shortage area, and hold a four-year degree from an accredited institution. Targeted need certificates are for those who have not previously held Maine certification and have an offer of employment with a Maine School.

Target Needs certificates are renewable twice for additional one-year terms.

Teachers on Targeted Need certificates must request a signed affidavit from the Superintendent EVERY year that they are employed as a “targeted need” teacher. Securing the affidavit and sending it to MDOE is the professional responsibility of the teacher and must be done prior to the first day of school. Targeted Need teachers must file an application with the Department of Education along with the signed affidavit, create a teacher Action Plan and fulfill all requirements assigned by the Maine Department of Education.

Teacher on targeted need certificates will be assigned a mentor and are required to complete a Teacher Action Plan. Teachers with Targeted Need Certificates should make frequent contact with the Certification Building Representative to be sure all necessary requirements are being met. A copy of the credential Evaluation Letter from MDOE must be provided to the Certification Steering Committee and a second copy to Central Office.

5. Renewal of Professional Certificates
All professional staff holding professional certification will be required to submit a Professional Renewal Plan (PRP) no later than June 1st of the year prior to certification expiration. The PRP is list of courses, professional development workshops/conferences or academic study that the teacher plans to complete as their requirement to renew their certificate. All plans must be preapproved prior to implementation. All professional staff must complete a combination of activities that totals 90 Contact hour of professional development, 6 graduate credits or 9 CEUs. All PRPs must be submitted and approved by the PLCSS.

In March of the year of certificate expiration, the holders of professional certificates must submit the Completed Plan with documentation of activities completed.

Failure to submit the PRP or the Completed Plan in the specified time frames may result in the staff member being referred to MDOE for recertification. Recertification through MDOE may result in losing professional certification status and reverting to conditional certification.

The Professional Learning Community Support System for recertification will make one of the following recommendations to MDOE on behalf of the professional certified staff:

• Recommend that the professional certificate be renewed (if the applicant has satisfied the requirements for renewal of the certificate and no other evidence is shown to be a proper basis for denial).
• Recommend that the professional certificate not be renewed (if the steering committee determines that the candidate has not satisfactorily met the requirements for renewal of the certificate the steering committee shall forward a negative recommendation to the Commissioner with a rationale. If the Commissioner is satisfied that the recommendation is correct and that the correct procedures were followed, renewal of the certificate shall be denied.

6. Transitional to Full Endorsement:
Transitional Certificates are for teachers who hold a professional endorsement in K-8, 7-12 or 9-12 and are employed in an area outside of their certificate.

Transitionally certified teachers must request a signed affidavit from the Superintendent EVERY year that they are employed as a transitional teacher. Securing the affidavit and sending it to MDOE is the professional responsibility of the teacher, and must be done prior to the first day of school. Additionally, Transitionally certified teachers must follow the timeline set forth by the Maine Department of Education and submit all required documentation annually. All documents must be copied and given to Building Certification representative and Central Office.

Transitionally certified teachers must file an application with the Department of Education along with the signed affidavit, create a teacher Action Plan and fulfill all requirement assigned by the Maine Department of Education. A copy of the credential Evaluation Letter from MDOE must be provided to the Certification Steering Committee and a second copy to Central Office.

The support system shall make a recommendation to the Commissioner regarding the
issuance or renewal of a transitional endorsement or the conversion of a transitional
endorsement to a full endorsement. The recommendation shall be one of the following:

(a) Positive recommendation - if the candidate meets the criteria of Chapter 115,
Part I, or, the candidate has made satisfactory progress towards completion of the
requirements, and no other evidence is shown to be a proper basis for denial, a
recommendation for renewal or conversion of the transitional endorsement shall
be made to the Commissioner.

(b) Negative recommendation - if the PLCSS determines that the candidate has not satisfied the requirements for renewal or conversion of the transitional endorsement, the PLCSS shall forward a negative recommendation to the Commissioner. If the Commissioner is satisfied that the recommendation in is correct and that the correct procedures were followed, renewal or conversion of the transitional endorsement shall be denied. This denial shall be deemed tentative for purposes of Chapter 119.

7. Master Teacher

Initial Master Teacher Certificate PLCSS Recommendation
The Master Teacher Certification shall be awarded using the standards for the National Board Certified Teachers as developed by the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards as listed in section below. Initial or renewal of master teacher certificates must include 6 credits.The PLCSS shall make a recommendation to the Commissioner regarding the eligibility of the teacher candidate for issuance of an initial master teacher certificate. The recommendation shall be one
of the following:

(a) Recommendation that the initial master teacher certificate be issued. If the applicant Candidate has been awarded NBPTS certification through successful completion of all requirements for one or more NBPTS certification areas, the candidate shall be
deemed to have satisfied the requirements for the certificate, and if no other evidence
is shown to be a proper basis for denial, a recommendation for issuance of the initial certificate shall be made to the Commissioner.

(b) Recommendation that the initial master teacher certificate be issued. If the candidate has successfully demonstrated the standards for one or more NBPTS certification areas, the candidate shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirements for the certificate, and if no other evidence is shown to be a proper basis for denial, a recommendation for issuance of the initial certificate shall be made to the

(c) Recommendation that candidacy for the initial master teacher certificate remain
active for an additional year. If the candidate has been deemed to have successfully
completed the NBPTS certification process, but has not yet achieved NBPTS
certification, the PLCSS may recommend to the Commissioner that professional
certification be renewed and that master teacher certification be awarded retroactively if and when an NBPTS certificate is awarded.

(c) The master teacher certificate shall be issued for a five-year period. All Maine educator endorsement areas deemed equivalent to the NBPTS certification will be considered active during the period of NBPTS and master teacher certification.

Standards for Professional Growth Leading to the Initial Master Teacher Certificate
The standards and procedures for National Board Certification as adopted by the NBPTS shall be the basis upon which PLCSS recommendations are made for purposes of master teacher certification. A list of these standards and procedures are found in the revised Chapter 118 document. A completely up to date list can be accessed and downloaded at:

Renewed Master Teacher Certificate PLCSS Recommendation
Using the standards referenced in sections 7, the PLCSS shall make a recommendation to the Commissioner regarding the eligibility of the candidate for renewal of a master teacher certificate. The recommendation shall be one of the following:

(a) Recommendation that the master teacher certificate be renewed - if the applicant
has satisfied the requirements for renewal of certificate, NBPTS certificate as defined section 7.1(a) above, and no other evidence is shown to be a proper basis for denial, a recommendation for renewal of the certificate shall be made to the Commissioner.

(b) Recommendation that the candidate’s current master teacher certificate be extended for one year for reasons defined in section 7.1(b) above.

(b) Recommendation that the master teacher certificate not be renewed - if the
PLCSS determines that the candidate has not satisfied the requirements for renewal
of the certificate as provided in section 8.1(a)(b) above, PLCSS shall forward a
negative recommendation to the Commissioner. If the Commissioner is satisfied
that the recommendation is correct and that the correct procedures were followed,
renewal of the certificate shall be denied. This denial shall be deemed tentative for
purposes of Chapter 119.

4. Maine’s Initial Ten Teaching Standards

1. Demonstrates knowledge of the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) s/he teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful to students

2. Demonstrates the ability to integrate the concepts, tools of inquiry, and
structures among the disciplines.

3. Demonstrates knowledge of the diverse ways in which students develop and learn by providing learning opportunities that support students' intellectual, physical, emotional, and social development.

4. Plans instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, and curriculum goals.

5. Understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies and appropriate technologies.

6. Creates and maintains a classroom environment which supports and encourages learning.

7. Demonstrates the ability to support students’ learning and well being by engaging students, home, school, colleagues, and community.

8. Understands and uses a variety of formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and support the development of the learner.

9. Demonstrates an awareness of and commitment to ethical and legal responsibilities of a teacher.

10. Demonstrates a strong professional ethic and a desire to contribute to the education profession.

5. Maine’s Definition of Effective Mentoring

“To coach is to convey a valued colleague from where he or she is to where he or she wants
to be. “
Art Costa and Robert Garmston

Mentoring is the process by which a more experienced educator facilitates the growth of a beginning educator by acting as a coach, encouraging and modeling reflection, encouraging and modeling intentionality, focusing the beginning teacher on what is important, helping the beginning educator achieve his or her goals, assisting the him or her with career and professional development, connecting the beginning educator to others who can enhance his or her growth or development, and serving as a sounding board.

A mentor’s support and sponsorship needs to include meeting regularly with the beginning educator. This meeting is at least thirty to forty-five minutes in length and should be regularly scheduled. At the beginning of the school year these meetings tend to focus on support issues and familiarizing the beginning educator with the school and the district. It is important for the mentor to familiarize the mentee with the culture of the school. The mentor serves as an advocate for the beginning educator, and assists him or her in finding resources. Mentors also provide emotional support and problem solve with the beginning educator.

As the mentor and mentee relationship evolves into more collegiality, the meetings focus on such issues as effective planning and instruction, differentiation, curriculum, assessment and student achievement. The mentor or mentee documents the weekly meetings. At all times effective mentors use effective listening and questioning techniques, such as paraphrasing, positive presuppositions and combining data and questioning rather than judging.

Mentors also observe the beginning educator and his or her classroom at least four times during the school year. The coaching cycle model is used for all four visits. This includes a planning conference, the observation, and the reflecting conference. Each element of the conference should be conducted in a timely manner to increase the likelihood of reflection and professionalism on the part of the beginning educator. The first observation should be informal. The other three observations are more formal, using the suggested data collection techniques of “class traffic”, “verbal flow”, “interaction analysis”, “selective verbatim”, “global scan”, “at task”, or other non-evaluative, objective observation technique. The mentor only collects data on the agreed upon topics. Throughout the coaching cycle and weekly meetings, mentors always maintain confidentiality and problem solve using positive conflict resolution. Their observations should be used for certification purposes only, and never for employment or evaluation reasons.